The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.


World Caribou Day - 6.6.24

Mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus) occupied the Selkirk Mountains for as long as seventy-five thousand years, it’s only been half a decade since the last of the Southern Selkirk Mountain herd…

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Amanda Riendeau

What department do you work in and what is your job title? I work for Kalispel Public Safety and I am the Administrative Coordinator for the South How long have…

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Justine Brockie

What department do you work in and what is your job title? I work for Kalispel Public Safety and I am the Public Safety Administrative Coordinator for the North department…

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Clay Pierson

How long have you been employed by the Kalispel Tribe? Approximately eight years with the Kalispel Tribe but almost two additional years with NQRC working security before I became a…

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Bart George

What department do you work in and what is your job title? I am the wildlife program manager for Kalispel Natural Resources Department. (KNRD) How long have you worked for…

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Leslie Graff

What department do you work in and what is your job title? Victim Assistance Services/Victim of Crime Advocate How long have you been employed by the Tribe? 5 years

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Annette Hall

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in? I am the Mental Health Clinical Manager for Camas Path Behavioral Health. My office is located in the…

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Jaime Hopoi

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in? I am the Physical Therapist for the Camas Health Clinic. Where did you grow up? I was born…

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Jenni Seger

What department do you work in and what is your job title? Kalispel Tribal Court as a Court Clerk II How long have you been employed by the Tribe? I…

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Jacky Roberg

What department do you work in and what is your job title? Kalispel Metal Products. Administrative Office Assistant. How long have you been employed by the Tribe? 10 months, …

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Jacob Avina

What department do you work in and what is your job title? I work in the Marketing department, and my job title is Visual Content Creator. I get the opportunity…

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Megan Scott

I work for the Kalispel Tribal Court as a Court Clerk II. How long have you been employed by the Tribe? A year at the end of October. What’s the…

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Saydele Haynes

What department do you work in and what is your job title? I work at Tribal Court as a Filing Clerk and Administrative Assistant. How long have you been employed…

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Allyson Bluff

What department do you work in and what is your job title? I work at the Kalispel Tribal Court as the Justice System Strategic Plan Coordinator. How long have you…

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Norma Diesen

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in? I work in the Kalispel Tribe finance department as a Loan Specialist. What is the best thing about…

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Amanda Kirk

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in? I work in the Human Resource department as the Compensation Coordinator. What is the best thing about your…

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Lucretia Gill

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in? I am the Program Manager at Kalispel Tribe Victim Services What is the best thing about your job…

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Tina Nenema

What department do you work in and what is your job title NQRC Executive Team Resort Experience Project Manager What’s the best thing about your job? Implementing the WOW for…

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Tom Ling

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in? I am an Operations Specialist and I work for the Kalispel Tribe Public Safety Department.

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Marcella Haynes

Marcella “Cella” Haynes Kalispel Tribe has been my lifetime home. I was born in Newport WA, we lived with my mom’s auntie Adaline Nomee “Grandma Addy” at this time my…

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Shantel Whitford

I am the Marketing Supervisor for the Kalispel Tribe. I provide direct support for all of the Tribe’s North eight enterprises by running all social media such as FaceBook, Instagram…

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Colene Rubertt

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in? I am the Director of Career Training & Mentoring. I work within Camas Path, however the nature of…

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Mike Lithgow

Mike Lithgow I am the Information and Outreach Coordinator for Kalispel Tribe Natural Resource Department since 2016. One day is never the same as the next. I might be working…

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Yolanda Bowman

Briefly describe what your workday looks like? Checking in with the boss for any special projects and just to say good morning. Responding to emails and phone calls. Setting up…

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Dr. David Pacey

Briefly describe what your workday looks like? First thing in the morning I meet with the staff of the Dental clinic. We discuss covid19 issues and review the schedule for…

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Alia Russell

I oversee the day to day operations of Kalispel Casino. My responsibilities include forecasting gaming revenue and food and beverage revenue, as well as maintaining budgets for expenses. The goal…

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Sky Pagaling

I am the Career Readiness Advisor at The Kalispel Development Company. I work with tribal members to help them become skilled and desirable applicants. I advise with resumes, mock interviews…

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April Johnson

April Johnson I am a Certified Medical Assistant and you can find me at Camas Center Clinic. My days here at the clinic are never the same. I think that’s…

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Charlene Castillo

My job entails the following programs: Rental Assistance, Down Payment Assistance, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Renovation Program and Assist all tenants with any problems they may have with…

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Madi Casto

What department do you work in and what is your job title? My job title is Associate Planner and I work in the Planning and Public Works Department

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Camas Early Learning Center

he Camas Early Learning Center provides a fun and safe learning environment for all the kids enrolled. In October, Pre-K, Preschool and Toddler classrooms went to the pumpkin patch at…

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A Salute to our Veterans!

In honor of Veteran’s Day, we’d like to salute the service of our Kalispel Veterans who have fought to protect our country and our way of life. Native Americans…

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K9 Unit Visits Camas Center

One of the newest additions to the Kalispel Public Safety Department made an appearance at the Camas Center last Thursday. Along with Officer Clay Pierson, Brandy, a four year Dutch…

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Caribou Recovery Project

The Kalispel Tribe’s Department of Natural Resources is helping to recover the last population of “reindeer” or Caribou in the lower 48 states. Caribou or “reindeer” are part of…

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Wellness and Balance in 2018

New year’s resolutions often include singular goals like losing weight, stopping smoking, or starting an exercise routine. But did you know that 80% of new year’s resolutions fail just a…

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Camas Dig

June 28, 2017 Tribal youth went on a field trip to gather Camas bulbs, they left the CELC in a van and the tribal bus and rode north a couple…

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Public Safety Awareness Day

The Kalispel Tribe hosted a Public Safety Awareness Day Wednesday, May 31 at the Powwow Grounds and Camas Center. Students from Cusick, Selkirk, House of the Lord, and Deer Park…

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Noxious Weed Management

One of the focus areas of the Kalispel Tribe Natural Resource Department’s (KNRD) Integrated Invasive Species Management Guidance is to control terrestrial noxious weeds. These non-native invaders have a tendency…

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