Jun 26, 2024

What department do you work in and what is your job title?
I work for the Food and Beverage department at Wetlands inside the Kalispel Casino.
How long have you been employed by the Tribe?
I have been with the Kalispel Tribe off and on since I was 14 years old.
What’s the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is interacting with our customers.
What’s the best thing about Kalispel Tribe?
What I love is that the Kalispel Tribe takes care of its people and team members.
What does your workspace look like?
My workspace has big windows with beautiful views.
Why did you want to come work for Kalispel Tribe?
I wanted to work for the Kalispel Tribe because of the opportunities the tribe presents!
What are your hobbies?
Some of my favorite things are gardening, traveling, and spending time with my family.
What or who inspires you?
My thoughts inspire me. There is an old myth that our body acts as we think. So think BIG and motivate yourself!
What are the words you live by?
Everything happens for a reason! Everything leads to something better!
How do you define success?
To achieve what you want to, and are happy, is success to me!
What is your favorite event that Kalispel Tribe puts on?
My favorite event is the Kalispel Pow Wow!
What are five words (or less) of advice for others in your profession?
Be kind, make a difference!