The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Louie Bluff

Jun 26, 2024

What department do you work for and what is your job title?

I recently accepted the HR Manager position for the Kalispel Tribe.


How did you get to that position and how long have you worked for the Tribe?

I have worked for the tribe since 2011 in summer youth. I started at Northern Quest in 2014 as a Table Games Dealer where I worked my way up to a Table Games Supervisor. In June of 2021, I accepted the position of Sports Book Manager for the new Turf Club Sports Book that opened in December of 2021. When the opportunity for a job that directly represents my Tribe on the reservation in Human Resources opened, I couldn’t resist applying for the position.


What is something you appreciate about The Kalispel Tribe?

I appreciate the continued dedication to not only our Tribal members but also our community members. They support and contribute to so many things in Pend O’reille and Spokane Counties. The Tribe provides resources for so many people and businesses/organizations.


What is a highlight of working for The Kalispel Tribe?

The highlight of working for the Tribe is the benefits they offer; family always comes first, they’re always there to lend a helping hand as well.


What are your hobbies?

I like spending time with my family and friends, camping, watching sports, hunting, and riding side by sides.


Who and what inspires you?

My parents, they raised me to be the person I am today. The ethics that were instilled in me from a good, loving family shows in the person I’ve become. My Father, JR Bluff has worked for years trying to save our Salish language from being lost, that is inspiring to have that type of commitment to his work. My mother, Michelle Nicholson is a huge inspiration, serving the Tribe for so many dedicated years knowing that they do so much to provide a good life for her family. My daughters, Oakley and Mallory inspire me to be a better person every day. Everything I do, I do for them and my wife. That is all the inspiration anyone would need.


What is advice you’d give to younger tribal members?

My advice would be to make your family proud in everything that you do. You are Kalispel and represent the Tribe in the work you do. Your everyday interactions are an extension of the Tribe that you represent. The Tribe provides all the tools and has set every member up with a great life, if we can give back just a little bit by being a good team member, husband, father, mother, uncle, aunt or friend, do it. If you realize that, you will be successful in anything you want to do.