The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Charlene Castillo

Jun 26, 2024

Charlene Castillo or as we all know her as “Char”

I am the Housing and Occupancy Specialist for The Kalispel Tribe.
My job entails the following programs: Rental Assistance, Down Payment Assistance, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Renovation Program and Assist all tenants with any problems they may have with their rental 24/7. I also will be taking over the weatherization program this new fiscal year.
I enjoy working with Tribal members and talking with them. I love helping people and love seeing people buying their first home. It’s just a great feeling to help others and to see their great accomplishments that they work so hard for.
The most exciting part of my day is I get to sit next to Miss Rodeo Washington Madi Casto whom l’ve learned more about Rodeo than I have ever known….

Q: What’s the best thing about Kalispel Tribe?
All the programs that the Tribe provides for the members and the community. The Tribe is a great community partner and takes part in many charitable causes.
Q: What’s been one of your proudest moments working at Kalispel Tribe?
Every day is a proud moment, every time I can help someone, doesn’t matter who it is, that is a proud moment for me….