The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Allyson Bluff

Jun 26, 2024

What department do you work in and what is your job title?

I work at the Kalispel Tribal Court as the Justice System Strategic Plan Coordinator.

How long have you been employed by the Tribe?

I began working for the Tribe in May 2017.

What is the best thing about your job?

Being able to serve others.

What’s the best thing about the Kalispel Tribe?

The sense of community

What does your workspace look like?

I currently share my office with my five-month-old daughter, who has essentially taken over the workspace.

What’s been one of your proudest moments working at the Kalispel Tribe?

One of my proudest moments working with the Tribe was holding the first-ever session of the Kalispel Legal Advice Clinic. The Clinic began operating in April of 2018 after nearly a year of planning and preparation, providing free civil legal services to Tribal and non-Tribal Community Members. Rural areas across the country are experiencing significant barriers to accessing the legal services they need, and the establishment of the Kalispel Legal Advice Clinic was a significant step in helping to bridge that gap in our community. We have since provided legal assistance to more than 150 individuals and I have felt that same sense of pride after every appointment.

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?

When not at the office, I have two young children (ages 2 and 5-months) who keep me plenty busy.

What or who inspires you?

My family is my greatest source of inspiration. Particularly my grandmother, Carleen, who has always been a model of strength, resiliency, and grace in spite of adversity. I owe a lot of who I am to her teachings and guidance, and I aspire to be even a fraction of the person that she is.

What are the words you live by?

Lift as you climb.

How do you define success?

I define success in different ways depending on the context. Sometimes, success might mean accomplishing a particular goal or making a difference. Other times, even just learning something new or having the opportunity to grow can make an experience successful regardless of the outcome.

What is your favorite event that the Kalispel Tribe puts on?

The Powwow.

What are five words (or less) of advice for others in your profession?

Do what you can.