The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Kalispel Legal Department

The Kalispel Legal Department assists Kalispel Tribal Government, Tribal enterprises and all Tribal departments in a legal capacity to support them in their day-to-day operations and achievement of their goals and objectives while protecting Tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

We foster a partnership that bolsters Tribal and departmental policies and codes for a stronger Tribal government to better protect the Kalispel Tribe, its people, and its resources.


Main Office

934 South Garfield Rd
Airway Heights, WA 99001


Monday – Thursday: 7 AM – 5 PM
Closed for all Tribal Government holidays.


Main Office Phone: (509) 789-7600
Main Office Fax: (509) 789-7609
Cusick Legal Office Fax: (509) 445-0836


Our Staff

Name Position Email Address Phone Number
Lorraine A. Parlange Senior Tribal Attorney (509) 789-7603
Chandra Atwood Executive Assistant to Senior Tribal Attorney (509) 789-7616
Aubrey Seffernick Business & Economic Development Attorney (509) 789-7606
Alexander M. Hilborn Staff Attorney (509) 789-7607
Conner Sabin Staff Attorney/Prosecutor (509) 789-7610
Michael Vandergiessen Special Tribal Prosecutor/SAUSA (509) 789-7633
Jessica J. Pakootas Staff Attorney (509) 789-7602
Pierce Shivers Staff Attorney (509) 789-7623
Scott Mannakee Staff Attorney (509) 789-7605
Weston Meyring Staff Attorney (509) 789-7608
Jacob Frawley Code Reviser (509) 671-3665
Bonte' Nemec Senior Paralegal (509) 481-4197
Julie Heath Paralegal (509) 789-7635
Patrick Nesbitt Paralegal (509) 481-6261
Lisa Ham Paralegal (509) 481-2030

World Caribou Day - 6.6.24

Mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus) occupied the Selkirk Mountains for as long as seventy-five thousand years, it’s only been half a decade since the last of the Southern Selkirk Mountain herd…

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