Jun 26, 2024

Eric Finley
I work at the Kalispel Tribal Court as an Administrative Assistant for Crime Victim Services.
What’s the best thing about your job?
This job has many great things, however, I would say that the one that sticks out to me the most would be seeing the amount of assistance the staff and the Tribe can provide to those who are in need of our services one way or another.
What’s the best thing about Kalispel Tribe?
The best thing about the Kalispel Tribe is their overall family atmosphere, the overall family aspect is amazing and makes working for the Kalispel Tribe a privilege and an honor.
What does your workspace look like?
If you know me you know my workspace looks fabulous! But I would say it has a vibe of a contemporary and cozy country cabin.
What’s been one of your proudest moments working at Kalispel Tribe?
One of my proudest moments working for the tribe would be working under the Empire Health Foundation grant assisting the Kalispel and Community Elders to establish a more structured healthcare plan and system that meets their needs and provides them the tools to keep and maintain a healthy and functioning lifestyle.
What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?
I love being outdoors, I am big into hiking. I have got into hunting recently within the last few years, I don’t kill anything, however, I have mastered the elk bugle and take pride in calling in a few bulls within shooting distance even though my buddy missed each time- But we won’t tell Raymond I mentioned that lol
What or who inspires you?
The one person that inspires me would be the first female Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, to be chosen as one of the top judges in our nation because she wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she believed and wanted to ensure that everyone had the opportunity do the same makes her an icon in our history and an inspiration to myself to not let any obstacles stand in my way for what I believe in or may want to do within my lifetime.
Fill in the blank: I once met…
Joan Rivers with April Johnson at Northern Quest Casino back around 2007-08
How do you define success?
I would define success not by your accomplishments but by having the ability to go out and try your hardest each and every day, making even the smallest amount of progress or growth in my eyes is a success, you are successful at personal gain, personal growth.
What is your favorite event that Kalispel Tribe puts on?
My favorite event that the Tribe puts on would be the Annual Buffalo Round-up, ever since I was little, I remember skipping school and being able to go. In all the years that the Tribe has had it, I have only ever missed it once.
What advice would you give to younger Tribal members?
Some advice I would give to the younger generations would be not to fear change, take that job you thought you would never get, go to school for something that interests you, go out, bloom and find yourself, create your image and be an individual, don’t let today’s “norms” dictate who you are and what you’ll be, Dream Big, Live Life and Make memories.
What are five words (or less) of advice for others in your profession?
It is okay to have/show emotion