Jun 26, 2024

What is your Job Title and what department do you work in?
Naturopathic Physician; Camas Medical Clinic
What is the best thing about your job?
I truly enjoy the people I work with and the patients I see. Each day is brand new and has its own set of unique challenges.
What is the best thing about Kalispel Tribe?
I have always felt welcomed here, whether I am walking thru the halls of the clinic or taking my midday walk to the river, people are smiling and helpful.
What does your workspace look like?
I was able to create a very relaxing environment in my office complete with throw rug and couch so my patients feel comfortable as we discuss their health goals and challenges.
What has been one of your proudest moments working at Kalispel Tribe?
I was able to see the community garden come together this year and I particularly enjoy the team-care aspect of clinic where I am able to consult over patients with other practitioners regarding patient care.
What do you like to do when you are not at the office?
I enjoy time with my family, on the back of horses or hiking or at the beach, we like to stay active and we love the community
If you could pick one person that inspires you, who would it be and why?
Mother Theresa because of her pure intent to simply love and help people.
What advice would you give to today’s youth?
Don’t simply follow the crowd. Think for yourself and learn from history. You have a purpose on this earth and fulfillment comes with engaging your purpose.
What are five words (or less) of advice for others in your profession?
Care, Listen, Educate, Remember, Relax,
Healthy doctors make healthy patients